Ich bin für ein Geschenk Party einkaufen :)

Ich bin süchtig!

Ich bin Türkisch für Anfänger beobachte und ich liebe es! Es gibt keine Untertitel, so ich nicht viel verstehen aber es ist fantastisch!

Hier kommt die Sonne…

Guten Morgen!

Ich liebe Rammstein 🙂 Auch Ich bin Der Beatles erinnert 🙂 Ich möchte sehr schlecht auf ein Rammstein Konzert gehen! Rammstein ist komme auf Amerika diese Frühling! Ich warte nicht!

Ich suche nach eine Arbeit neu denn Ich mag es nicht meine Arbeit alt.  Es ist nicht leicht 😦

Ich werde später wieder!

Ich möchte in Deutsche schreiben!

Hallo meinen Freunde! Jetzt, Ich will in Deutsche schreiben diese Blog. Meine Deutsche ist nicht so gut aber Ich werde versuchen. Kommentieren, bitte! Ich brauche Sie helfen!

Auf Wiedersehen und dankeschön!

– Shannon

Bauern Frühstück!

Finally made this for breakfast, and it turned out pretty good. Bacon, pan fried with olive oil, with chopped red potato, green peppers, ham and eggs. I added some green pepper slices and an orange on the side, just to balance it all out.

Kept me full until around now, but some delicious Ritter-Sport Dark chocolate with Marzipan helped with that hunger 🙂

Breakfast! "Bauern Frühstück" with green peppers and an orange

Snack 🙂 Ritter-Sport Dark Chocolate with Marzipan









Dinner tonight will probably be something decidely non-German, probably like a  chicken salad or something but I’ll probably be having Bauern Frühstück  for breakfast tomorrow too 🙂

Auf Wiedersehen!




I’m cleaning up as I’m listening to “Wissen Macht Ah!” on my laptop ( I watch the episodes on youtube as I don’t have a region-free player yet). Its funny because before today and learning the 55 verbs that I have learned, I didn’t exactly know what this title meant. I mean, I had an idea, since it is similar to the American show “Bill Nye the Science Guy” so I figured it had something to do with experiments and science. But now I know that the title roughly means “to know how to do”, which makes sense.


Guten tag! Mein Name ist Shannon und ich liebe Deutsch!

I am attempting to teach myself German the “immersion” way, without actually *living* in Germany or any German-speaking country, for that matter. Nein, ich wohne in Amerika. However, I am not going to let that hinder my process. At the moment, I have a Rammstein playlist on repeat and I also have a playlist of Disney songs in German, lol.

I watch native German shows, such as Wissen macht Ah! (which I admit I understand very little) and I have a few movies in German, such as “Goodbye Lenin!”, “The Edukators”, “Das Leben der Anderen” and I have more available to me via Netflix (such as “Sophie Scholl” which I am in the middle of watching). These are all the “American” versions though; in order to get my hands on authentic German videos, I need to purchase them off from amazon.de and also purchase a region-free dvd player (which is surprisingly affordable at around $30USD) .

I am awaiting the arrival of my first German comic, “Tim und Struppi- In Tibet” from an independent seller on the American amazon.com. Super excited to get that and if I find that I like them, I am planning on buying more and building my German comic collection.

I also own some books completely in German and other dual-language (obv. English/German) books. On my kindle, I own many German children’s books ( I will list all of these in the “bücher” section of this site).

My browser is set in German, as well as my email and my Facebook account. I am doing some “traditional” things though, such as learning verbs and conjugations. However, I am currently only learning the 55 “essential” German verbs (according to “Baron’s”) and their present tense conjugations, and this is all to help me be able to read easier. I have learned all 55 words and still keep reviewing them until I know them all perfectly.

My NYR is to become fluent in German by August 2013 because I am planning a 3 week long trip to Germany and want to know as much German as possible by  then.

